Publitas Alternative

Publitas Alternative? – Review plus free alternative!

When it comes to finding the best publitas alternative, I have found that nothing compares to Yumpu Publishing. I spent quite a long time trying to find a publitas alternative that I could use to effectively help me promote my business through dedicated publications which could then be used anywhere online. When I first started trying to promote my business in this way, I decided I wanted to use publications on all platforms of the Internet, ranging from websites and blogs to social media platforms. I wanted to educate my customers about the goods and services that I was selling and I wanted to do it by creating educational and informative publications that could also be used to serve as a springboard to get more potential customers. It sounded like an idea that should have worked enough but until I found, I often myself struggling to get something done with tools that simply were not effective.

Looking for Something Effective

In fact, what I did find was that it would be almost impossible for me to do this without spending a small fortune, and even then, the publications and I was able to create were simply not effective. They only worked well on a desktop or laptop, effectively leaving out all of my customers that used smartphones or tablets to retrieve information. A lot of times I have events that require my customers to sign up using a signup sheet and I could never include these types of forms. This made things inconvenient for both myself and my customers, to say the least.

I really wanted to incorporate audio files as well as videos, but none of the publications that I was able to publish online would support these types of formats. Perhaps the biggest problem that I had was that none of the formats worked well with any type of social media. Long ago, I recognized the power of social media when it comes to promoting anything and I was more than a little frustrated that I was unable to access this very important platform when it came to getting the word out to my clients. Essentially, I found that I was unable to do most of the things that I wanted to do, I was spending a lot of money and growing more frustrated every day and the tools that I had at my disposal were simply not very effective. If I ever was able to get a page to load, it loaded so slowly that I assumed most of my customers would simply close it out due to frustration before it ever completed the loading process anyway. All of these things sent me looking for an effective publitas alternative that would free up both my time and my bank account and allow me to harness the power of the Internet that was right there at my fingertips.

Publitas Alternative – the Difference

Eventually, I started using the services provided by Yumpu Publishing, and to tell you the truth, I have never looked back since that day. Today I am able to create a flipbook from PDF‘sthat are directly tied to my business and I can incorporate video and audio files as well as signup forms into each and every one of them, no matter what type of platform I embed the files into.

In other words, I can do the same thing whether I am publishing my documents on a website, a blog, or on virtually any type of social media platform that I choose. Furthermore, all of these documents work perfectly on smaller devices, so they are well suited for smartphones and tablets. This means that my customers can access the information whether they are at home and they are using their computer or they are on the road and they need to access something quickly. I can even incorporate an online shop, allowing my customers to complete signup forms and purchase goods from their smartphones. The information then goes directly to me and I can handle it right away.

Additional Benefits

There are mean even more benefits to using as a publitas alternative. First and foremost, I can use the documents that I create through this service on any type of website. The versatility that is involved means and I am never limited based on the type of site I want to publish documents on or the type of device that my customers will use. This gives me a tremendous advantage over many other individuals who are using lesser services. As I mentioned before, this is an interactive service so I can include signup forms or anything else for my customers and they can use it right away.

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I have also found that one of the biggest advantages to using this service is the way that documents created using this service look. Essentially, all my documents read like a book, even featuring double sided presentation. This makes the information easier to read and disseminate and that increases the likelihood that my clients will actually read the information that I am publishing. As a result, I have approximately 2 1/2 times more page views than I was getting when I used traditional PDF documents and I also have 12 times more readers that are coming to my sites, thanks to the way that major search engines classify epapers. All of my publications work perfectly on social media and they load faster than virtually any other types of documents that I could possibly create.

A Closer Look

Why does work so well as a publitas alternative? Aside from the things that I have already mentioned, it is important to fully understand how the different types of publications work when it comes to getting customers to read them. I have already touched on this slightly, but it is important enough to go into more detail so that you can truly understand the benefits of using epapers from a service like Yumpu Publishing. Google and other search engines like it do not classify epapers the same way that they classify PDF files and other documents.

Because they are classified differently, I do not have to worry about the competition that I would have to worry about if I were creating all of my documents in PDF form. That means that I get 12 times as many readers right off the bat as anyone that is using a PDF file or any other type of document. I also mentioned that I get more than twice as many page views as I did when I was using PDF files. This gives me the chance to get as many people as possible looking at my information, which translates into more new customers for me. The customers I already have are happy because they are getting constant information about events, goods, and services, and I am constantly promoting my business and getting new people that are coming to my website, all based on the documents that they have read somewhere else.

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Full Support

As if all of this were not enough to make anyone decide and to use as a publitas alternative, it is equally important to note that Yumpu Publishing is a service that has more than 20 years of experience doing exactly what they are doing right now. They also provide support any time of the day, any day of the week. This helps me do the best job that I can possibly do and it means that if I ever have a question about anything at all, I can count on their outstanding support staff to help me.

All of the documents that I create are stored using the Cloud when they are not in use. This gives me easy access to anything that I have created in the past so that I am not constantly going back and recreating the same material over and over again. This is a high quality service that exists for one express purpose and that is to help me and other people like me succeed.

Find Out for Yourself

If you want to find an effective publitas alternative that is completely free of charge and is as versatile as anything you could possibly imagine, is the place to go. Instead of struggling with other services, you too can start using this particular publitas alternative and watch how fast it can transform your business and help you start making more money.


Sam Coleman Visit Website
Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sam Coleman and I’m a highly skilled web designer, front-end and back-end programmer. I’m unique in that I love both programming and designing. I have degrees in Computer Information Systems, Multimedia and Programming.On any given day, you may find me designing a cool new website, creating an amazing banner, building out a website with the latest HTML/CSS/jQuery techniques, creating a stunning WordPress website or programming a complex web application. I’m solution driven and creative in my approach, always ready to learn a new technology and perfect my techniques.
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