Issuu vs Yudu

Issuu vs Yudu – Who is the big winner?

Recently I was looking for a much better interface to my website. I’m starting up this magazine/website catered toward creative job prospects outside of academia for humanities graduates. I’ve been looking around for different platforms that allow me to publish my articles in a more user-friendly way, but most seem to be either too expensive or do not have the right tools for the job.

Issuu vs Yudu

I was looking at places like and but neither of them had the features I wanted for free. Then there was Yumpu Publishing. This has to be one of the best sites that I have come across. It converts everything you upload to ePaper and makes embedding all of your documents super easy and efficient.

So the advent of a site like, and the reason why every publisher, and perhaps every web developer, should use the site, is their use of ePaper technology. I have been doing some research on it lately while looking at Issuu vs Yudu, and let me just break down the various benefits of ePaper, as there are many.

Benefits of an ePaper

The first is that it’s very easily embedded onto a website and can be read on pretty much any device. I found this really useful as I switch often between my computer and my android when I travel. The other benefit is that you can embed just about anything you want onto the ePaper. You can do anything from signup forms to videos to links.

I have been thinking about incorporating live interviews with lead employers around the country. I was toying with the functions a little bit and the combination of the text with the video gave it a really flawless feel it. I’m pretty excited about it.

Gain more traffic trough ePaper

Besides that, however, ePaper has 2.5 times more page views than a PDF. On top of that, it also has 12 times more readers through Google than conventional PDFs.
So basically your web traffic is going to skyrocket as a result of switching from PDFs to ePaper. As someone who is just starting out, I will take all the help I can get when it comes to gaining exposure. I am sure that everyone else in the game could use the same little boost.

When comparing Issuu vs Yudu, I found that neither of them could fully satisfy me. So I searched a little bit further and found Yumpu Publishing, from which I am completely convinced in every term.

Better reading experience with ePaper

As far as the user side goes, ePaper has a double-sided presentation that really brings out a flowing, continuity to the reading experience. Your eyes naturally go in short bursts rather than streaming through lengthy, unformatted lines of text.

While doing Issuu vs Yudu I had often trouble finding the information I was looking for. But since I switched to Yumpu to convert PDF to flipbook online I haven’t had any problems.

ePaper and social media

This technology also is easily shared through social media sites. So if you are trying to gain a following through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or the like, then I recommend using ePaper as part of your web design. I am pretty confident that I will be using it when I make my Facebook page. I am all about making sure that my site covers the most surface area, and including social networking sites is a must.

Improved loading time

Lastly, ePaper has a shorter loading time than PDFs. This is especially handy for me since I am hobbling on a relatively ancient computer on its last limb that is barely able to stand up straight. It takes ages to open up most PDFs, but with ePaper, I have been able to open articles within seconds. So it has been immensely helpful to me.

Those are my main reasons for preferring ePaper to straight PDFs and if you want to ever fact check these features you can check out the study I read. Just google “digital publishing 2013 study” and it should come up. If I have convinced you that ePaper is pretty much the way to go for online publishing then it should not be much of a stretch to convince you to check out Yumpu Publishing, since they are pretty much one of the best sites for this type of service. Not only are they completely free, but they also have an amazing customer service team. Before I did most of this research I was curious about Yumpu and why I should even bother with ePaper. Their team pretty much responded within minutes and talked with me until my fastidious questions came to an end and I was convinced that ePaper was the way to go. If I have not said enough yet, I will say it again. You need to check out if you are looking to publish online.

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Sam Coleman Visit Website
Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sam Coleman and I’m a highly skilled web designer, front-end and back-end programmer. I’m unique in that I love both programming and designing. I have degrees in Computer Information Systems, Multimedia and Programming. On any given day, you may find me designing a cool new website, creating an amazing banner, building out a website with the latest HTML/CSS/jQuery techniques, creating a stunning WordPress website or programming a complex web application. I’m solution driven and creative in my approach, always ready to learn a new technology and perfect my techniques.
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