Category : news

Share PDF online

Share PDF Online – Create it for free and reach more visitors

The Internet has undoubtedly the best forum for advertisement, distribution, and promotion. People share online magazines, PDFs, eBooks, and informative templates online. I too love sharing information online with my friends and colleagues. However, sharing a PDF can sometimes be tricky. If you run an online business just like me, you may sometimes need to share a PDF with your target audience. It can be a menu or a complimentary eBook in PDF format, depending upon your business.

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Add PDF to Website

Add PDF To Website – You don’t need any previous knowledge

I run a very busy blog site and am constantly uploading PDF files on my pages. The frustration with doing this before was that my readers got frustrated waiting for my PDF file to load because the process always super slow. Another big issue was that my PDF file never displayed right on my readers’ mobile devices after an upload. Worse yet, I couldn’t embed signup form videos or audio files into my PDF files or share them easily on social media platforms.

You can well imagine what I was going through. I had no chance of making my mark on the Web unless I had all of these problems solved and fast! Just when I thought all hope was lost, I found a workable solution: Yumpu Publishing. Not only did Yumpu resolve the challenge of me embedding PDF files on my blog site, but it was also easy, fast, and FREE to do!

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Joomag Pricing

Joomag Pricing – Is the price fair? Read the truth here!

Joomag pricing is one option that our company reviewed when we began our online marketing management search. We were interested in Joomag pricing since it has been used by several publications in our local community. We, also, reviewed Yumpu Publishing epaper solutions as an alternative for our needs. We were looking for a digital pub site that featured leading and emerging titles.

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Issuu vs Yudu

Issuu vs Yudu – Who is the big winner?

Recently I was looking for a much better interface to my website. I’m starting up this magazine/website catered toward creative job prospects outside of academia for humanities graduates. I’ve been looking around for different platforms that allow me to publish my articles in a more user-friendly way, but most seem to be either too expensive or do not have the right tools for the job.

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Publitas Alternative

Publitas Alternative? – Review plus free alternative!

When it comes to finding the best publitas alternative, I have found that nothing compares to Yumpu Publishing. I spent quite a long time trying to find a publitas alternative that I could use to effectively help me promote my business through dedicated publications which could then be used anywhere online. When I first started trying to promote my business in this way, I decided I wanted to use publications on all platforms of the Internet, ranging from websites and blogs to social media platforms. I wanted to educate my customers about the goods and services that I was selling and I wanted to do it by creating educational and informative publications that could also be used to serve as a springboard to get more potential customers. It sounded like an idea that should have worked enough but until I found, I often myself struggling to get something done with tools that simply were not effective.

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